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Mighty Mike

Mighty Mike Compost Windrow Turner

This little windrow turner does wonders with little effort. It is a Frontier through and through. Check the composting principles page for the work this little giant will do.

The Mighty Mike has been in use for over a decade and has proven to be a highly productive and extremely low maintenance workhorse.

Ideal for:
  • Small Farms
  • Nurseries
  • Dairies
  • Golf Courses
  • Institutional Food Waste

The Mighty Mike’s patented drum/mixing system protects the drum and paddle brackets from wear.

Many composting experts agree that smaller windrows will make a higher quality finished product that will demand a higher price and do it in less time.

  • Row width → 80 Inches
  • Row height → 40 Inches
  • Tractor requirements → 20 – 40 HP w/Hydrostatic drive
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