Optional Equipment:PART NO. DESCRIPTION
50006 Deduct for 15" x 10" 6 - 6" Wheels
800105 Brakes, Two-Wheel Free-Backing Hydraulic Surge (Not Available on GN)
800107 Brakes, Four-Wheel Free Backing Hydraulic Surge (Not Available on GN)
800201 Brakes, Two-Wheel Electric w/ Safety Breakaway Kit
800213 Brakes, Four-Wheel Electric w/ Safety Breakaway Kit
60077 2 5/16" Adj. Ht. Ball Coupler, 20,000 Lbs. Cap., IN LIEU OF CLEVIS
60002 3" Adj. Ht. Lunette Eye, 20,000 Lbs. Capacity, IN LIEU OF CLEVIS
CP000004 3" Adj. Ht. Lunette Eye, IN ADDITION TO CLEVIS
CP000011 2 5/16" Adj. Ht. Ball Coupler, IN ADDITION TO CLEVIS
CP000083 Pintle Hook (Mounts to Truck), 18,000 Lbs. Tongue Weight
800163 Lights, Sealed Beam with 3-Light ID Bar
800141 Hose Stand, Bolt-On
800644 Easy Access Valve Extension Handle
800526 Inductor Stand, Bolt-On, For 15-Gallon Inductor Tank
800559 5' Frame Extension in Front of Tank with 4' L x 58" W x 2" Wood Platform and 12" Tall Railing. Removable Rail on Drivers Side. Includes 10,000 Lb. Drop-Leg Top-Wind Jack
800175 5' Frame Extension in Front of Tank with 4' Long x 71" Wide 2"
Wood Platform and 12" Tall Railing. Removable Rail on Drivers Side.
Includes 10,000 Lb. Drop-Leg Top-Wind Jack
800046 Gooseneck with 2 5/16", Adjustable Height Load Leveler Coupler and
10,000-Lb. Drop Leg Jack. Includes 30" Pump Plate Between Gooseneck
Frame and Front of Tank
60073 16" x 6" x 6-6" IN LIEU OF 15" x 10" x 6-6"
*Cost to Lengthen Frame Per Foot
* Paint Color other than Duo Lift Blue